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Feng Shui for Homes

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The quality of your home environment affects your life in many ways. A professional Feng Shui consultant can assess your home’s effect on your health, happiness, career and prosperity, relationships, fertility, children’s success in school and overall energy level. Feng Shui can assist you in improving your existing home, or help you find, or design and build a new one!


  • Be healthier, happier and more energetic

  • Reduce stress and increase inspiration

  • Improve your family relationships or help you find a mate

  • Increase your finances, career opportunities and reputation

  • Increase your children’s ability to learn in school

  • Improve sleep, concentration, clarity and decision making

  • Make spaces more comfortable, and meaningful

Services Offered

  • Assess potential new living spaces before you buy or lease them

  • Advise you on whether or not to move and when

  • Select the best property for you to build your new home on

  • Provide superior design guidelines for your new build home including site planning, orientation, architectural layout, interior design and landscaping

  • Design or review your planned renovation

  • Improve your existing home

  • Solve issues with existing homes

  • Resolve issues with health, relationships, finances, career, children, education, etc.

  • Provide timing guidelines for new construction, renovations, moves and special events

  • Help you sell your home

Consultation Includes

  • Valuable recommendations and insights to create the best environment for you

  • Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your property, home or office, and how they impact your life

  • Effective solutions to enhance your happiness, health and prosperity

  • Suggestions on positioning yourself most effectively in your environment

  • Written instructions, guidelines and diagrams


“While I’ve always believed in Feng Shui, before I met Malca I never met anyone who could do it, and I feared hiring just anyone. She took her time analyzing the home, taking compass readings – a scientific approach. She’s very professional and thorough. She’s also very honest about your situation and issues. The industry we’re in was going through some (tough times). Even though we are highly skilled, the opportunities were not coming our way. She recommended changes in our layout and within a few weeks my husband and I both got contracts. My daughter cried a lot and was difficult to care for. Malca pointed out that her bed was not in a good room. We moved her and changed her position and she’s been sleeping better. We weren’t in a position to spend much money, but the investment was worth the results we received.” - Name withheld by request

“We’ve had a very dramatic change in the home. There’s a calmness that’s hard to describe – deep, restful, we don’t feel agitated. It feels more like a home. Our daughter is very sensitive and when we moved in she didn’t want to come home. Since we’ve implemented Malca’s recommendations, she doesn’t want to leave. She says she loves the energy of the place. We didn’t expect the results to be so immediate!” - - Flo & Andy Gravitis

“I consulted Malca since I needed a little boost in my career & finances. The results were amazing! I got a wonderful job that increased my pay by 50% & recently my salary increased by another 10%. Meanwhile, the head-hunters keep calling to entice me with jobs in the 6-figure range! I have worked hard to get where I am, but I can certainly thank Malca. Her wonderful consultation helped me create a calming environment at home which helped to contribute to all of the positive things happening in my life.” - A.W, Dotcom Manager

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